Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Countess Cabaret - Season of Yeats
A vaudeville cabaret named after Countess Markeivicz, from Lissadell, one of Yeats ”two girls in silk kimonos, both beautiful, one a gazelle.” Round off Yeats Vintage Day with an eclectic mix of music, comedians, impersonators and burlesque performances in the old style of taproom concerts and music hall variety nights with a modern twist. Dress up; dance till you drop while helping Hospice. Live music by the Teeling Street Band.

Starring all the way from London, Burlesque sensation, Crimson Skye!

"Delightful" - Alice Cooper

"Highly original with a deep, dark sense of to combine comedy with a sense of the grotesque whilst still looking absolutely beautiful" - Jo King, London Academy of Burlesque

Cocktail promotions and late bar. Seated event (limited amount of seats so get in EARLY). Over 18s only.
To reserve a table email
Doors: 10pm
Saturday 4th of August 2012
Fifth on Teeling, Pure Nightclub, Teeling St. Sligo
Adm: 10 euros or 5 euros *if in suitable costume.

*The Countess Cabaret reserve the right to decide wether your costume is good enough! Edwardian style please!